These are connections that go through the SSH connection and appear to come from the inside of the Raspberry Pi and the client computer. When one installs Raspian from the Raspberry Pi website, SSH is active and available on port 22 (default SSH port number). There are a number of ways to discover the Raspberry Pi's address. It will be updated with the latest Webmin. After browsing to the webmin admin portal, you will receive an SSL warning message. To find your Raspberry Pi’s IP address, you can either hover over the network adapter settings in the top right corner (two arrows for ethernet or wifi signal for wifi connection), or type this into a terminal: Enter your IP address you found above into a web browser. Share it with us! Raspbian. To extend the functionality even further, you can install the package Virtualmin, which allows you manage multiple raspberry pi’s from the same interface. cd mkdir installed-packages cd installed-packages Step 5: Now download the latest version of Webmin using the wget command, Update the version number of Webmin with the latest one, you can find the latest version number on Webmin’s official website. Startseite » Blog » Webmin als Webinterface auf dem Raspberry Pi installieren In dem folgenden Artikel bzw. webmin raspberry pi free download. Avviare un browser all’avvio della Raspberry – Raspberry Kiosk Mode Also change it to install the version downloaded in the previous step. SSH gives one a terminal with command line access. Webmin has been tested on all regular Debian releases, Ubuntu Linux, and derivatives like Xandros and APLINUX. Now we will create a directory in Raspberry Pi for downloading the Webmin Debian installation package. Install Webmin. With Webmin you simply have a very convenient way … In this tutorial we will be covering how to install raspbian, samba, and webmin to share a usb Hard drive along our network. This will show the assigned IP address and the subnet mask. Install Dependencies. Then click "Save". For the most updated commands, refer to the link provided. One should get various warnings about the self-signed certificate, etc. The Raspberry Pi 4 is the ideal “brain” for a multitude of DIY projects. So we go to the to the Webmin drop down at the top of the Webmin menu and select "Webmin Configuration". Step 2: Connecting to the Raspberry Pi Via SSH for the First Time. RPi Webmin : Une interface d’administration système pour son Raspberry-Pi Présentation de Webmin. Feel free to check out the official Webmin wiki for even more ideas. Then we can click "Status" and then the "Details..." button. How to Deploy Adguard Home Docker in Ubuntu... Configure Homer Dashboard in Docker Desktop or Python, How To Setup Overseerr in Docker (Ombi Alternative), Configure Plex Automatic Prerolls on Windows, Fractal Design Node 804 No Power Supply MicroATX Cube Case FD-CA-NODE-804-BL, Black, How to Configure Jackett with Sonarr on Windows in 2021, Best SmartThings Compatible Cameras in 2021, The Ultimate Organizr V2 Setup Guide for Windows, How To Access Sonarr From Another Computer. We now have a secure connection to our Pi to administer it. In the box that says "Saved Sessions" type in the name for this profile. Step 1. We are going to create a Putty profile with our tunnel configured in it, so that the tunnel configuration only needs to be done once. dem angefügtem Video zeige ich euch, wie ihr „Webmin“ – einem sehr umfangreichen Webinterface zur Fernadministration – auf einem Raspberry Pi … Hi, How can you display CPU temperature with Raspberry Pi? In Windows we can go to the network connections and right mouse click on the connection to the subnet (Ethernet or wireless). Raspberry Pi Webmin. abril 20, 2017 noviembre 1, 2020 Javier Munné 1 comentario debian, howto, linux, raspberry pi, raspberrypi, raspbian, utilidades, webmin Buenas tardes querid@s geeks! We will also drop the SSL, since we get that from the tunnel. I decided that I could use a Raspberry Pi to create my own NAS drive. After entering the password we have a terminal window with a command prompt. In the box that says "Destination" type "". All one needs is an ethernet connection, a DHCP server and a computer on the network to begin using the Pi. Das ist keine eigene Software, man kann die selbe Software wie für Server auch für den kleinen Rechner verwenden, ich zeige euch wie man das macht. One can turn off external access to the Webmin port and only accept connections from inside the device through an SSH connection. Vous pouvez ainsi facilement configurer, modifier et contrôler des applications telles qu’un serveur HTTP Apache, SQL, Postfix, DHCP, PHP et de nombreux autres progiciels. Just enter the command line: "vcgencmd measure_temp". Webmin wird gerne von Administratoren eingesetzt um einen Server von der Ferne zu administrieren. Congratulations, we have Webmin installed and working. It allows you to manage just about every aspect of your raspberry pi. Close our existing Putty window. The command below will download the deb file into the Pi. The default username and password is the used as of your raspberry pi which is. I am not likely to keep this instructable as current as that link. Share. You can safely ignore this message and continue. There is no access to Webmin through any external port. on: August 29, 2015 In: Internet - Ethernet - LAN Projects. Webmin will give us a web based interface that does that. It has only about Apache with Flask which is not what I want to do., To get connected with Putty one needs to know the IP address and port number of the Raspberry Pi. Then click the "Open" button and log into the terminal window. In the right hand menu, open "Connection", "SSH" and click on "Tunnels". (Ma Raspberry est overclockée et … When one installs Raspian from the Raspberry Pi website, SSH is active and available on port 22 (default SSH port number). There’s nothing you absolutely NEED to configure after Webmin is installed. Once again we have lost our connection. Copy the link (it will end in “.wbm.gz”). Using tunneled connections greatly improves security for devices with interfaces directly on the Internet. Before beginning Equipment. The ports being used are not visible on any external interfaces. sudo apt-get install webmin. 1. Some commands we will be using can be found on this page. Webmin is an interface that allows you to easily manage the Raspberry Pi system and perform many tasks that would otherwise have to be done via the terminal, i.e. so, you own a raspberry pi. This is mainly used in Unix-based operating system which contains archives for … Just being able to remotely reboot or access your raspberry is extremely helpful on it’s own. However, working with the terminal is a pain in the arse so I first installed Webmin, a utility to provide a GUI to the Linux based Raspberry Pi via a web browser. We can't always access the DHCP server and even if we can, it can be complicated. Raspberry Pi - Webmin Commands - You can configure and monitor a range of things such as users, disk quotas, config files, and more. Webmin is now successfully installed! Finally, we install Webmin through apt-get install webmin. A DEB file extension is a Debian Software Package file. Webmin allows you, to manage your Raspberry Pi via a Web interface. 5 years ago I'm Danny, owner and writer of Smart Home Pursuits. Raspberry Pi Webmin: une interface Web pour l'administration système – Serveur d’impression. This tutorial describes the installation process of Webmin for Raspberry pi. Cela supprime la nécessité de modifier manuellement les fichiers de configuration et facilite grandement l’administration. By trying to connect as shown in the following step we can determine that is the device we want. If you happen to browse to your Raspberry Pi’s IP address or DNS name, you’ll be rewarded with a very simple test page: That is why I show the Debian install procedure. Adding Webmin to manage a Raspberry Pi. Thanks for the view! Have a look around and see everything you can do remotely with Webmin! It is good idea to use this link instead of the commands below. Source Packages The files needed to build the Debian package are deb/webmin_1.970.dsc , deb/webmin_1.970.diff , and webmin-1.970.tar.gz . Raspberry Pi Webmin. (how to make these changes should be another instructable). Webmin is a web-based interface for managing raspberry pi devices. The PGP signature for the latest tar/gzip version of Webmin is also available so that you can verify the tar.gz file with the command gpg --verify webmin-1.970.tar.gz-sig.asc webmin-1.970.tar.gz. Webmin, Un’interfaccia Web per l’amministrazione del sistema. From the Virtualmin download page, find the link entitled “Virtualmin module in Webmin format”. I have installed Webmin and log in normally with my login data. Please check the Webmin website for the latest version. Print Email. We will have lost our connection. IMPORTANT: The version in the code below is current as of June 6, 2020. It protects a user from accidentally overwriting hard-drives Die Software Webmin ist Modular aufgebaut, das Standard Paket umfasst viele Module die m.E. sudo apt-get install perl libnet-ssleay-perl openssl libauthen-pam-perl libpam-runtime libio-pty-perl apt-show-versions python. Putty allows for tunneled connections. In this Raspberry Pi Webmin guide, I’m going to show you how to setup and install Webmin on your raspberry Pi device. #2 Sun, 05/10/2015 - 13:35. dvious. Share. The PGP signature for the latest tar/gzip version of Webmin is also available so that you can verify the tar.gz file with the command gpg --verify webmin-1.970.tar.gz-sig.asc webmin-1.970.tar.gz. Once setup, you will be able to access your raspberry pi simply by typing its’ IP address into a web browser. dpkg does not handle dependencies, so it is best to install the needed modules first. You can use additional software such as … If you have changed it, use the new credentials. and you might wonder, what your next software project could be. Installing Webmin on the Raspberry Pi Accessing Webmin and Installing Postfix Mail Server Conclusion Installing Asterisk on the Raspberry Pi Step 1 In the raspberry-asterisk downloads page, scroll down till you see the latest image available for download. The Raspberry Pi is a tiny and affordable computer that you can use to learn programming through fun, practical projects. Webmin is a web-based interface for system administration for Unix. After logging in, you’ll notice a ton of different options. Did you make this project? That is the Webmin default. Here is the link, if you don't want to go to the last step. In this example, we selected the next to the HTTP field. Raspberry Pi Webmin. When prompted to continue, press y on your keyboard to continue. python web-server server. Install Webmin on Raspberry Pi. Oggi andremo a vedere come installare Webmin sul nostro solito Raspberry Pi 4B con a bordo Rasbian Buster. I decided that I could use a Raspberry Pi to create my own NAS drive. To update your raspberry PI operating system, open a terminal and type: To install all the necessary Webmin dependancy packages, type this into the terminal: Because Webmin isn’t a package in the official Raspberry Pi repository, we need to download the Debian package separately. auf dem Raspberry Pi nicht benötigt werden und diesen extrem träge machen, daher habe ich mich dazu entschlossen die Minimal-Version von Webmin zu installieren. My preferred method to work with a Raspberry Pi is via SSH. Webmin is a web-based interface for system administration for Linux boxes. Hey there! Etcher Etcher is a powerful OS image flasher. Raspberry Pi 3 b+ Case, iUniker Raspberry Pi 3... CanaKit 5V 2.5A Raspberry Pi 3 B+ Power..., Ben je nieuw in de wereld van de Rapsberry Pi en Raspbian dan kan de tool ontzettend handig zijn … When prompted to continue, press y … Note that I am using a Windows computer as the SSH client end. Dans ce tutoriel sur Raspberry Pi Webmin, je vais passer en revue toutes les étapes permettant de configurer le package logiciel Webmin pour le système d'exploitation Raspbian. abril 20, 2017 noviembre 1, 2020 Javier Munné 1 comentario debian, howto, linux, raspberry pi, raspberrypi, raspbian, utilidades, webmin Buenas tardes querid@s geeks! I don't understand why you have to create a tunnel? Share. Webmin per chi non lo sapesse è un programma che consente di gestire da remoto via web la macchina su cui è installato, sia dal punto di vista hardware che software.Questo articolo sarà l’ultimo il 2019. Thanks for the view! You can remotely restart, manage users, gain console access, or even install new packages. Webmin is an interface that allows you to easily manage the Raspberry Pi system and perform many tasks that would otherwise have to be done via the terminal, i.e. In this tutorial you say Webmin uses it possible to do this with Raspbian? Webmin est une excellente solution si vous souhaitez disposer d’une interface Web pour administration votre système. 環境Raspberry Pi 3Raspbian StrechWebmin 1.890インストールdpkgapt でインストールするより、こちらの方が簡単。$ wget $ sudo dpkg --install webmin_1.890_ The reason we are using dpkg to install Webmin is that it is not in the repository. well, why not running a lightweight and secure webdav server with user authenticationon your pi? Join the global Raspberry Pi community. wget Now to connect to Webmin we type "" in the address bar of the browser. One doesn't even need to know the commands for most of the common functions and the interface is pretty intuitive. Installazione di Webmin su Raspberry. It is good idea also setup Webmin on your Raspberry Pibox so it enable you to easy manage your Raspberry Pi box over browser of your choice. Using any modern web browser, you can setup user accounts, Apache, DNS, file sharing and much more. dem angefügtem Video zeige ich euch, wie ihr „Webmin“ – einem sehr umfangreichen Webinterface zur Fernadministration – auf einem Raspberry Pi installieren könnt. sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install webmin. In this Raspberry Pi Webmin tutorial, I will go through all the steps to set up the Webmin software package for the Raspbian operating system.Webmin is excellent if you wish to have a web-based interface for system administration. Install Webmin on Raspberry Pi Ensure We’re Up-To-Date. It is a Java App and there are some obscure settings to make it work. Note in the image that we have devices at and that have port 22 open (Note is it easier to look for "closed: 0"). This time to get it back, we have to create a tunnel in Putty. Raspberry Pi Webmin kann man auch für seinen Raspberry Pi einsetzen. L’installation de Webmin est assez longue, surtout sur les Raspberry Pi qui n’ont pas des processeurs de folie. I've worked as an IT Manager for 8 years and enjoy using my knowledge to make my smart home "smarter". Make sure "Local" and "Auto" radio buttons are selected. on Introduction. Webmin is a powerful system configuration tool that is accessible via your web browser. Raspberry Pi: Webmin installieren von caschy Mai 16, 2020 | 18 Kommentare Ich hatte in der letzten Zeit etwas zum Raspberry Pi geschrieben, ein … Putty has now created a connection that appears on the Raspberry Pi end to originate inside the Pi. It’s one of the first packages we install on brand new RPI’s, so hopefully you find it just as useful as we do! It removes the need to manually edit configuration files and makes administration a lot easier. I use Putty for SSH access. ... Configurazione del Raspberry Pi 3 come Access Point utilizzando RaspAP 9 Aprile 2019. One can also use signed key access on the obscure port to make it even more difficult. Webmin wird gerne von Administratoren eingesetzt um einen Server von der Ferne zu administrieren. In Webmin, go to Webmin–>Webmin Configuration–>Webmin Modules. We need to go to the address bar and edit "https://" to "http://" and we will get our connection back. Webmin allows you, to manage your Raspberry Pi via a Web interface. Install Webmin on Raspberry Pi March 7, 2020 March 7, 2020 by SBC Guides In this guide, we will go through the needed steps to install Webmin, a web interface for system administration. Installation de Webmin sur un Raspberry Pi Walid Hocine lundi, mai 23, 2016 RaspberryPi Si comme moi vous gérez votre Raspberry Pi via une connexion SSH, alors vous devez savoir qu'il y a aussi d'autres façons pour le gérer avec une interface graphique comme Webmin et dans l'article d'aujourd'hui je vais vous montrer comment l'installer sur votre Raspberry Pi Last update on 2021-02-23 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API, Best NAS Case 2020 For TrueNAS, FreeNAS, or Windows Server 2019. At this point we will just show how to set up the tunnel and to turn off external access to Webmin. It allows you to manage just about every aspect of your raspberry pi. Le Raspberry Pi dispose d’une seule carte réseau, ... L’outil que j’ai choisi est Webmin C’est une interface web, facile à installer, qui montre la configuration actuelle, et plusieurs statistiques et graphique à propos de l’utilisation du système. 5 years ago Note: If the version above changed, you’ll need to change the version here as well. I have no doubt that Linux users can find the Linux solution In the steps that need one. Adding Webmin to manage a Raspberry Pi. Das ist keine eigene Software, man kann die selbe Software wie für Server auch für den kleinen Rechner verwenden, ich zeige euch wie man das macht. Webmin, Un’interfaccia Web per l’amministrazione del sistema. We will make those tweaks in the "Webmin Configuration" screen. python web-server server. The Webmin for Raspberry pi is quite difficult to install if you have better option please tell me ^^ I have searched for many days and still don't have answer in this topic. Installation von Webmin auf dem Raspberry Pi. Command line access is fine, but using a mouse and graphics is better. For Debian packages, you can also get the PGP signature for the latest version, so that you can verify the package with the command gpg --verify webmin_1.970_all.deb-sig.asc webmin… auf dem Raspberry Pi nicht benötigt werden und diesen extrem träge machen, daher habe ich mich dazu entschlossen die Minimal-Version von Webmin zu installieren. The port will be 10000 on a newly installed Webmin. Note, the dpkg command can take a while to run. Enter your raspberry pi username and password. The File manager in Webmin is very useful and I realized that it can have problems because it is a Java App. Raspberry Pi PHPMyAdmin. For the example Pi we type into the browser. My preferred method to work with a Raspberry Pi is via SSH. Installing Webmin on the Raspberry Pi Some commands we will be using can be found on this page. Installation von Webmin auf dem Raspberry Pi. After hitting enter, the Pi will ask for the password, which is "raspberry". It can be configured so that it appears to an attacker as a legitimate port and they can be occupied trying to break in there. Tweet. Looking for new applications for your Raspberry Pi 4? This allows me to run the Pi as a headless device with no keyboard, mouse or monitor attached. It’s written mostly in PHP so you will need to have a Raspberry Pi web server and PHP setup. Install Dependencies. This tutorial describes the installation process of Webmin for Raspberry pi. Raspian is Debian. Oggi andremo a vedere come installare Webmin sul nostro solito Raspberry Pi 4B con a bordo Rasbian Buster. Requirement Device : I am a very new user to the Webmin and Virtualmin projects but have a lot of experience with Raspberry Pis and own a four-pi cluster that I want to run Vmin on. Using Webmin on your Raspberry Pi makes it easy to setup, control and modify application such as a Samba Server, SQL, Apache server, DHCP, PHP or a plethora of software package. Using any modern web browser, you can setup user accounts, Apache, DNS, file sharing and much more. Check our list of 50 cool Raspberry Pi projects which are actually useful and fun. We change the drop down box that says "Any Address" to "Only Address" and put "" in the box next to it. In the next screen, we choose the "No" button next to "Enable SSL?". Hi, Following your best advice, I have removed Ubuntu 15.04 and downgraded to 14.04 LTS, in order to install Virtualmin on my R Pi2. Now going back to the "Webmin Configuration" screen we select "Ports and Addresses". Install Webmin on Raspberry Pi Ensure We’re Up-To-Date. Webmin per chi non lo sapesse è un programma che consente di gestire da remoto via web la macchina su cui è installato, sia dal punto di vista hardware che software.Questo articolo sarà l’ultimo il 2019. here's a tutorial for you … table of Now for a few tweaks. that's cool. Note to everyone. Now we will create a directory in Raspberry Pi for downloading the Webmin Debian installation package. Share 0. As shown in the image, we can set it to scan port 22 at all the addresses in the subnet. If there is a newer version, use that instead of 1.941. on Introduction. I'm Danny, owner and writer of Smart Home Pursuits. Installation de Webmin. Then click the "Save" button. Will the new Raspberry Pi 2 is a sufficiently strong hardware to run on it Virtualmin ? When we click on "Open" we get the Security pop up that says the host key is not cached. We recommend setting up two factor authentication on your raspberry pi and enabling the cron editor so you can install packages. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This allows me to run the Pi as a headless device with no keyboard, mouse or monitor attached. Step 1 Enter the following command to install dependencies. In this tutorial we will be covering how to install raspbian, samba, and webmin to share a usb Hard drive along our network. If you’re planning on running a heavy database application, then I highly recommend that you install PHPMyAdmin. From the outside, port 10000 on the Raspberry Pi is closed. I've just installed webmin and virtualmin on my raspberry 2. This makes sure you aren’t running any outdated software. The above graphic shows Putty when it is first started. on: August 29, 2015 In: Internet - Ethernet - LAN Projects. It is mapped to a port in the calling computer that also appears inside the computer. However, working with the terminal is a pain in the arse so I first installed Webmin, a utility to provide a GUI to the Linux based Raspberry Pi via a web browser. Click "Save". Installazione e Configurazione di Webmin in Centos 7 23 Gennaio 2019. Be warned, it eats up a fair amount of CPU cycles when you access various pages in webmin :) Celles-ci nécessitent un peu de paramétrages, alors n’h… Keep in mind I had preconfigured the Pi by installing Ubuntu Server 20.04.10 on it. You can remotely restart, manage users, gain console access, or even install new packages. Hoy vamos a mostraros como instalar Webmin que no es otra cosa que un gestor centralizado de diversos servicios y aplicaciones que corren en nuestra raspi al que se puede acceder via web con cualquier … There are 2 different ways to install Webmin on Raspberry Pi, manually and using the apt package manager. For the most updated commands, refer to the link provided. One can also open a command window and use the "ipconfig" command. Webmin will allow any user who has this sudo capability to login with full root privileges. One can further improve security by changing the SSH port to some obscure port number and setting up port 22 to act like a dummy port that does not allow logins. Avant de … Open Putty and set it up to access the Pi (type in IP address). Select the radio button next to “From ftp or http URL” and paste the link you copied into the field. Adding Webmin to Manage a Raspberry Pi Step 1: Finding the IP Address of the Raspberry Pi. Be patient on this step, it does take a few minutes to finish installing. It has only about Apache with Flask which is not what I want to do. via the command lines. The following link is to the Webmin page showing how to do a Debian install. Download Webmin package. Webmin is een web interface waarmee je op eenvoudige wijze een Linux systeem kunt beheren, dus ook een Raspberry Pi waarop Raspbian is geïnstalleerd. Share 0. It is good idea also setup Webmin on your Raspberry Pi box so it enable you to easy manage your Raspberry Pi box over browser of your choice. Now I'm going to tell you what I did with my Pis and Webmin/Virtualmin. sudo wget sudo dpkg -i webmin-current.deb. The new connection should show up in the "Forwarded Ports" box as shown. This connection is secure and encrypted inside the SSH connection. Smart Extension Box With ESP-NOW Protocol, Real VO2Max--Measure Your Athletic Potential, Simple Extruded Aluminum Frame for LED Panels. Raspbian. password: raspberry. Webmin ist eine Oberfläche, mit der du das Raspberry Pi System sehr leicht verwalten und damit auch viele Aufgaben ausführen kannst, die ansonsten über das Terminal, also über die Kommandozeilen ausgeführt werden müsste. Webmin is a web-based interface for managing raspberry pi devices. I have already typed in the user name "pi". Next, to install the Webmin package simply type the code below. How to Make NAS File server using raspberry pi 2 with webmin. It comes with a lot of built-in features, like console access via web, package manager, setting configurations and so on. In the box that says "Source Port" type "10000". Install Webmin. The Raspberry Pi is a tiny and affordable computer that you can use to learn programming through fun, practical projects. Enter the following command to install dependencies. Username: pi. @2020 - Designed and Developed by Danny B. One should use the line from the Webmin link to get the latest version. Raspberry Pi Webmin kann man auch für seinen Raspberry Pi einsetzen. When one installs Raspian from the Raspberry Pi website, SSH is active and available on port 22 (default SSH port number). Webmin is een web interface waarmee je op eenvoudige wijze een Linux systeem kunt beheren, dus ook een Raspberry Pi waarop Raspbian is geïnstalleerd. It’s always a good idea to make sure your raspberry pi is fully up to date. Click "Yes" and we get the terminal window shown in the next step. The Webmin for Raspberry pi is quite difficult to install if you have better option please tell me ^^ I have searched for many days and still don't have answer in this topic. via the command lines. A simple way to find the address is with a port scanner. If you want to connect from a remote server and your system has a firewall installed, see this page for instructions on how to open up port 10000. Then log in with the default raspberry pi credentials (or whatever you changed them to): user: pi password: raspberry Enjoy webmin awesomeness! maybe you have a spare hard drive at hand. I created an Instructable for making it work and added a step to this Instructable with a link. Installing Webmin on the Raspberry Pi. PHPMyAdmin is a hugely popular administration tool for both MySQL and MariaDB. Select "Session" in the right hand menu and click the "Save" button on that page. Note that we have selected the SSH radio button and entered in the IP address. Downloads Reply My preferred method to work with a Raspberry Pi is via SSH. Downloads One would use the IP address for a given Pi in place of the Startseite » Blog » Webmin als Webinterface auf dem Raspberry Pi installieren In dem folgenden Artikel bzw. I use Advanced Port Scanner, Click the "Add" button. In Webmin, you need to adjust SQUID to … Tweet. Using the Webmin APT repository. 2. sudo apt-get update. With Webmin you simply have a very convenient way to make many settings on the Raspberry Pi. One can select and copy each command line and right mouse click in the Putty terminal window to paste it. Webmin est excellent si vous souhaitez disposer d'une interface Web pour … If an attacker were to discover the second port, it is highly unlikely that they can discover the 256 byte (or greater) key. Note that apt-get and dpkg needs sudo. If you haven’t changed the defaults, the default username is pi and the password is raspberry. If we are not sure of the subnet, there are several ways to find out what it is. You don't have to create a tunnel for most cases where Pi's are used. Be warned, it eats up a fair amount of CPU cycles when you access various pages in webmin :) Nov 24 2017. Enter the command below to download the DEB version of Webmin into the Raspberry Pi. eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'smarthomepursuits_com-banner-2','ezslot_1',112,'0','0']));report this adHey there! How to Make NAS File server using raspberry pi 2 with webmin. I have done "" as the profile name. But if the Pi is on the Internet you don't want the Webmin login open to the public. Join the global Raspberry Pi community. Webmin is a web-based interface for system administration for Linux boxes. I've worked as an IT Manager for 8 years and enjoy using my knowledge to make my smart home "smarter". I have created another Instructable on how to make File Manager work. It comes with a lot of built-in features, like console access via web, package manager, setting configurations and so on. Share. Then log in with the default raspberry pi credentials (or whatever you changed them to): user: pi password: raspberry Enjoy webmin awesomeness! Then on the "Webmin Configuration" screen, we select "SSL Encryption".